What does my child wear for this?
Dancers will be required to be in their class uniforms. CLICK HERE TO SEE CLASS UNIFORMS.
What is the arrival procedure?
Arrive 10 min before your child's performance time. Dancers must be dressed, ready and have gone to the bathroom by drop off.
If we can't attend this day, can we watch in on a class another time?
Due to capacity constraints, we won't be able to accommodate class observations for those will be missing the Tiny Dance Recital. We understand that this may be disappointing news, but please know that we are doing our best to ensure that our classes remain a safe and comfortable learning environment. We strive to ensure that our policies are applied fairly and consistently to all families.
What happens on Tiny dance recital day?
Dancers, parents, friends and family will be brought into Studio 5 where seating will be set up. Your child's dance teacher will lead a class demonstration.
If I'm attending more than one showing, what do I do in between shows?
You will be asked to leave the studio and check back in 10 min before your next showing at the front desk.
Will I be able to video the performance?
How do I buy tickets?
Tickets are sold online only. There will be no ticket sales in person. CLICK HERE TO BUY YOUR TICKETS.
Do I need a print out of my ticket or is showing the ticket on my phone good enough?
Tickets on your phone are accepted. Each person watching the show must have their own digital ticket that will be scanned upon entry.
Do I have to buy a ticket for my child?
Dancers do not require a ticket. Any sibling, or children 10 years and under get free entrance and do not need to buy a ticket.
If my dancer is in multiple performances, will there be a place for them to change into their next costume?
Yes. You can use the washrooms and changerooms to change them for their next show.